NASDAQ Basic Plus is an affordable alternative to US Equity Level 1.  NASDAQ Basic Plus provides the most recent of the quote/price from the Real-Time NASDAQ Basic Plus feed or consolidated delayed.  It includes data from NASDAQ market trades on NASDAQ, NYSE and NYSE American stocks which is reflective of about 99% of the US Market activity.  Real-Time consolidated volumes for all NASDAQ, NYSE, and NYSE American listed issues. Nasdaq Basic Plus includes trades that take place on Nasdaq BX and Nasdaq PSX.



Essential Data Information ____________________________________________________ 

* Real-time tick-by-tick price and size information for trades executed on The NASDAQ Stock Market® (NASDAQ®), as well as trades reported to the FINRA/NASDAQ TRF. While this encompasses data coverage for NASDAQ-listed and NYSE & NYSE American-listed securities, it does not include OTC Markets listed securities.

Most recent of the quote/price from the Real-Time NASDAQ Basic Plus feed or consolidated delayed and associated size.

* Real-time consolidated market volume on each trade message for NASDAQ-listed and NYSE & NYSE American-listed securities. Note: Volume Alerts are currently delayed and will be updated to real-time at the end of March 2016.

* Pre- and After-Market Data, Intraday Charts (including Tick-by-Tick Charts) and VWAP based on NASDAQ Basic Plus data. Time and Sales, Candlestick Charts, Historical Charts and Historical Data based on Delayed NASDAQ data.

* Closing Price data checked against consolidated close with Net Change Calculation based on previous consolidated close.

Entitlements ______________________________________________________________ 

One entitlement to NASDAQ Basic Plus will include Tape A, B and C. Please contact your QuoteMedia account manager to remove NASDAQ (UTP) and NYSE/NYSE American (CTA) before adding NASDAQ Basic Plus entitlements.

Symbology _______________________________________________________________ 

Symbology is the same as currently used for NASDAQ-listed and NYSE & NYSE American-listed securities but user will receive NASDAQ Basic Plus data when entitled to it.

Cost Savings_______________________________________________________________ 

NASDAQ Basic Plus offers significant cost savings — an average of 70% off your Level 1 bill.