While our database is not specifically designed to exclude survivorship bias, QuoteMedia never deletes end of day data (effective end of 2012).  To explain further,

(a) QuoteMedia does not delete end of day price history and last fundamentals that is associated with a company when it's symbol is recycled for a different company. We currently mark it with (exp date) and maintain the history. In order to make this data accessible to Clients who wants historical data for a company whose symbol is now used for a new company, we have created aliasing through a new symbol suffix of –X. If the symbol is recycled again, the suffix would be –XX, and so on.  Example: https://app.quotemedia.com/data/getFullHistory.xml?symbol=PGD.RT:CA-X&webmasterId=XXXXX&start=2013-11-02 (webmasterId must have TSX entitlements to get results)

(b) QuoteMedia does not retain historical data for an indefinite period. We do make every effort to retain historical data for North American equities and indices for 15+ years but do have much more available for some select symbols. Historical options contract data is not retained for longer than 30 days.

(c) NAV is currently only available for US and Canadian funds.