IsLotsOf (0x0001)

IsAllOrNone (0x0002)

IsMinimumFillVolume (0x0004)

IsNonResident (0x0008)

IsCashSettlement (0x0010)

IsCashTodaySettlement (0x0020)

IsDelayedDateSettlement (0x0040)

IsDerivativeRelatedSettlement (0x0080)

IsNonNetSettlement (0x0100)

IsMarketOrder (0x0200)

IsFirmQuote (0x0400)

IsFutureSettlement   (0x0800)

IsNextDaySettlement   (0x1000)

IsDisplay (0x01000000)

IsMarketPrice (0x10000000) - Indicatoes if the price for this order must be the market price. If the price for this order is the market price the value of the price property has no meaning.

IsOpeningPrice (0x20000000) - Indicates if the price for this order must be the opening price. If the price for this order is the opening price the value of the price property has no meaning. 

IsPriceMustBeFilled (0x4000000) - Indicates if the price for this order must be filled.  If this a a price must be filled order the balue of the price property has no meaning.