ETF symbols (VOO, SPY, for example) typically are "listed" on NYSE ARCA which we include in our NYSE Equities feed and their quote data correspondingly comes from the CTA-B feed. However, their Tick/Indicative values (which end up as price/last fields) come from the ICE Data Global Index Feed.
A client can get the indicative values using the following suffix symbols:
.IV = Intraday Indicative Value
.DV = Dividends
.TC = Total Cash Amount Per Creation Unit
.SO = Shares Outstanding
.NV = Net Asset Value
.EU = Estimated Cash Amount Per Creation Unit
Additional Notes:
An ETF's indicative intraday value, known as its Indicative Optimized Portfolio Value (IOPV), represents an estimate of an ETF's current fair (or theoretical) value. By comparing the IOPV with current bid/ask prices, investors and the general public can see whether an ETF is being priced fairly in the market and determine a price at or around which they might want to place a limit order. Indicative intraday values are calculated at 15-second intervals throughout the trading day by a third party. They are distributed by National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) and published via the NYSE Euronext Global Index Feed (GIF) using the ETF's core ticker symbol followed by the suffix "IV".